Mr. Floor Wood Floor Cleaner

We’re Mr. Floor. We are one of the largest privately owned wood flooring companies in Chicago and its suburbs. We specialize in installing and refinishing solid hardwood, engineered and laminate wood flooring in luxury homes, businesses and universities.
Our clients include multi-million dollar homes on the North Shore and institutions such as the University of Chicago, The Standard Club and the Chicago Board of Trade.
With over 20,000 hardwood floors installed and refinished, we know wood floors, period.
Virtually every time we leave a client’s home having refinished or installed a floor, they love us! And why not, the floor is beautiful and – wait for it – immaculately clean.
We know that a safe and effective wood floor cleaner is the key to a floor’s longevity and most importantly, keeping it looking like new.
When our business was just starting we would often receive service calls six months to a year after we had installed a floor. More often than not, the client would be concerned that, “My floor doesn’t shine like it used to.”
To insure 100% customer satisfaction, we’d visit each home to inspect the floor and evaluate the concern. In nine out of ten visits, the reason the floor had lost its shine was improper care and cleaning! More often than not the client was using too much water and a cleaning product that wasn’t suited for use on wood floors.
“Oil Soap” and a Mop is a Terrible Thing to do to a Wood Floor
For example, many of our clients were using an “oil soap”, a mop and a bucket of water to clean their wood floors. Immediately after mopping the floor, it would look nice and clean. That shine was the pristine oil residue left behind from the “oil soap.” As dust and dirt inevitably came into the house, the residue from the “oil soap” would capture the dirt, holding it onto the floor and building up in layers.
Frankly, it was the worst thing that my customers could use! Too much water from the mop can cup or curl the wood. The residue left behind traps in dirt that accelerates the wear on the floor and creates a haze.
Mr. Floor Wood Floor Cleaner IS the Solution to a Beautiful, Clean Wood Floor
Determined to find a solution for our clients, we began a search for nationally advertised cleaners that we could recommend as both safe and effective. What we discovered was that most of these “universal, all purpose” and “oil soap” cleaners were that they were either too harsh or simply ineffective!
Necessity became the mother of invention. Because we could not recommend a national brand, we invested our own money developing a cleaning product specifically designed for wood floors. Hiring a well-respected product development specialist with a doctorate in chemistry, we gave him the task of creating a product that would clean effectively while being safe for the floor’s finish. Above all else we required that the cleaner leave no haze or residue that would dull the polyurethane finish on the wood floor.
After tens of thousands of dollars in development, and hundreds of hours testing in real world conditions, we proudly unveiled the Mr. Floor Wood Floor Cleaner twelve years ago.
With each new floor we installed we gave customers a free bottle of our wood floor cleaner and it became a huge success.
Today, our wood floor cleaner is more popular than ever and is available locally at Ace Hardware, True Value, Grand Food Centers and other retail locations across the North Shore.
First Order Only Coupon Code: TryMrFloor
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If you didn’t care about your wood floor, you wouldn’t be reading this. You want a clean, long-lasting floor and we can help.
Try Mr. Floor Wood Floor cleaner once. If for any reason you aren’t pleased with the cleaner, contact us and we’ll refund your money, period.
As a special incentive for you to try Mr. Floor Wood Floor Cleaner we’re offering 20% off only on your first order of a quart of wood floor cleaner.
Don’t delay. Take advantage of this special offer to take better care of your wood floor.